Tuesday, August 24, 2010

pink and black!

Today I got off work a couple hours early. I decided to go do a little shopping downtown before going home, since I wont be going downtown on my usual day off with my Mom and Gramma on Wednesday's because of going to the mall with Nicole tomorrow. It was the first time I have ever went shopping without Alexis with me. It was weird. Actually, it was the first time I really did anything without Alexis. I don't give myself a lot of time away from her, and I like it that way. But I will admit, it was kind of nice to do something by myself for a change, even if it was something as little as doing a little random shopping.

Aside from having an obsession with clothes for Alexis, I have an obsession with pink and black. Part of the reason why I am so excited to go shopping tomorrow for clothes for Alexis, is because the Children's Place has so much pink and black stuff that I am just gaga for. It's seriously ridiculous how stoked I am to buy all of this stuff for her. I feel pathetic...haha!

Anyways...not much to talk about today.

nite nite

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